School Dinners
Fresh school meals are cooked on the premises each day. The cost of a school meal is:
- £2.30 per day for Years 3 - 6 (from April 2024)
- £11.50 per week
Parents and carers can pay for school meals by Parentpay (please click the link). This is the school's preferred payment method.
Click here to view the current school dinner menu.
Children are supervised by our dedicated lunchtime supervisor team and have time to play outside.
Packed Lunch
Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch. Under normal circumstances, Thursday would be Pizza Thursday - so children who normally have a packed lunch may opt to have a pizza.
Please ensure your child's lunch box is healthy and does not contain any nuts or items containing nuts.
Universal Free School Meals
From September 2014 children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) all get a Free School Meal ( we call this Universal Free School Meals). Even though you are not required to pay for school meals for Key Stage 1 children, it is important that you inform the school if your child decides to swap between school meals and sandwiches, as per the instructions above. Thank you.
Please note, if you would be eligible to claim means-tested free school meals you should still apply online as this could entitle you to additional benefits. Click here for full details or contact Mrs Tetley, Family Support for more information.
Healthy Eating
As a Healthy School we encourage healthy lifestyles. The National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme provides our Early Years and KS1 children with a free piece of fruit/vegetable every day. They may also bring their own fruit if you wish.