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Eldwick Primary School

Progress Through Partnership

Contact Family

Barnaby Road,
Warren Lane, Gilstead,
West Yorkshire
BD16 3LE

01274 568361

Progress Through Partnership

The '4LC'

Partnerships make our school special and we have a long history of collaborative working with other schools in the area.

One of our key collaborations is the 4LC – The Forward Learning Community. We work in a group of three schools; ourselves, Crossflatts Primary and Saltaire Primary, along with Beckfoot School and Bingley Grammar School.

As a group we aim to -

  • Increase our capacity to provide the best possible education we can for all the pupils in all our schools.
  • To share and develop excellent practice
  • To support each other in changing educational times
  • To challenge each other and improve all that we do.
  • To enable all our pupils to build relationships and broaden their horizons by working with others.
  • To give opportunities for staff to work together to build their skills for the benefit of all pupils.
  • To develop school, governance, financial management and work with parents to reflect the highest aspirations for our schools.

The groups in the collaborative meet regularly – Heads and Deputies, English, Maths, Middle Leaders, Early Years and  Learning Support Assistants – to disseminate good practice, develop the curriculum, support innovation and strengthen our work across the schools.

Working together enables our schools to be much richer places and increases our capacity to provide excitement and challenge for our pupils.